93% said results matter more than time and budget.

We ran a survey during an International Project Management Day event asking management at firms if end results is more or less important than time and budget. Ninety-three percent said end results was more important. Why do most tools focus only on time and budget? Sure, it’s important, but we feel a tool should focus even more on helping you provide great project results. That’s what really matters.


Recipe (templates) that drive great results.

Make your recipes special giving your team ample choices to select the right process or agile/process hybrid for project execution needs.


It’s all about your secret sauce.

Your project success magic starts with the know-how content ingredients. This comes from your experts who has great experience with what works and what doesn’t. Your sauce can also include Agile Sprint processes. Your team can hover over a task to get the “how-to” steps based on previous lessons learned.


Engage teams on issues and ideas

The biggest driver of project success is from your team’s engagement. We make it super easy to share issues, risks, and new ideas. Messaging includes the @mention feature for directing notifications to those who need to know.


Know your portfolio

Keeping tabs on project execution and expected results is easy with Pie. The visual project portfolio view gives a quick snapshot showing progress at a glance with bright colors.
